Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time but it has always seemed so overwhelming.  My husband and I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and she just made it sound so simple.  You just start.  She made it a goal and she just did it.  So this is me, doing it.  I'm not planning on having many (if any!) readers, but I am excited to have my own little space on the internet.  Going along with Gretchen's book, my husband and I have started our own happiness projects and this is one of my goals.  Figure out what makes you happy and do it.  I am fascinated by tutorials and projects.  I love projects so I want to expand on that and savor the process more through blogging.  So, if you happened to stumble on this simple blog, welcome!  And if no one but myself is reading it, well, I'm at least fulfilling a goal ha.
Our home during the construction phase. Circa 1976.

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